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Saturday’s organised crowds get in.
Just back from the Great North Swim. Great Swim is Europes biggest swim series & we were there at Windermere for our second year.
It’s a polished event with a well organised feel to it. The setting is absolutely amazing & Lake Windermere looked beautiful. I stayed in the Waterfront Low Wood Hotel, so it was a few steps to the event. the 3 days all have a very different feel to them with the longer distance swims happening on the Friday. These folks new about dryrobe & it was good to chat to everyone. Lots of familiar faces came & said hello which is always good.
Saturday is the 1mile swim day with thousands of people & less serious fun approach. Sunday was Elite’s in the Afternoon with an impressive international showing. I left the stand to see the finishes. If you think you are anywhere near fit you should see what this lot do! 80km a week Swim training. holy toledos!
Managed to meet & chat to a few swimming greats. Lexie Kelly (open water marathon Grand Prix swimmer), Micheal Sheil (2013 Australian National 5K Champion), amongst the Elites taking a Dryrobe away from the lake & taking them on their travels.
Also bumped into the Sean Conway, the chap that swam the length of Britain. Had a great chat, a cool bloke with heaps of character, plus he’s a man with some seriously testing running missions planned. I don’t think he realises how much he’s gonna use that red lined dryrobe he’s loaded into the Landy but it will slot right into his very active outdoor lifestyle, that’s for sure.
All in all it was a Great Swim event. So I missed some sun & fun waves at home in North Devon & the Drive home was memorable for all the wrong reasons but i had loads of fun & met some real characters & caught up with a few friends. Not a bad way to spend the weekend. See you there next time.
Check out or facebook page for the Great North Swim Album.

Published on June 16, 2014